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League Trivia Season 2, Session #2

  • The Rook & Pawn 294 West Washington Street Athens, GA, 30601 United States (map)

Sign ups are STILL underway for The Rook & Pawn League Trivia Season 2!

In League Trivia, teams of four will compete over the course of a monthly series of rivia sessions, culminating in a Championship Showdown between the two teams with the highest aggregate scores. Questions will be standard/general trivia and cover everything from sports to science and everything in between.

The First Round of Season 2 began on January 25th but teams may still sign up as each team's lowest score will be dropped at season's end. All subsequent rounds will be held on the last Monday of each month through the winter and into the spring. The Championship Showdown will be held in May. 

Teams are entitled to name two alternate players to their roster to take the place of an absent member on certain nights. An alternate must participate at least once through the season to be eligible for the annual membership award. 

The winning team will be awarded annual memberships for each participant (value ~$380) and a $100 gift card. 

If interested please send an email with your list of team members to:

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Sunday-Thursday: 11am - 11pm

Friday/Saturday: 11am - 1am